Saturday, July 30, 2011

Leo | August 2011


Love, love, love is the only thing on your mind this August, dear Leo!

Perhaps your birthday brings with it a new sense of excitement and opens up a certain something inside you that makes you feel so charming and loveable. What’s in the air?

The Lovers appears in your spread to indicate great energy in relationships and the possibility of finding someone who warms your heart. You’ve never felt this ready to take the plunge and open yourself to a connection with that special someone.

Some of you leo’s might get married this month (or might at least be proposed to) and the energy might even encourage some relationships to plunge deeper than they already are!


How can there be love without those who prick the balloon when it’s at the largest? Is there an interfering mother or mother-in-law you need taken care of?

It seems like receiving approval of your chosen mate from mother figures might be a bit of an issue this month – so make sure you prepare yourself for this energy – and do not allow them to take you down!

Think of it as them not being very open to change, and encourage them to see things in your light.

While this seems very soap-opera, realize that sometimes we allow someone else’s disapproval to overrule our choices and decisions – so think of it as a test of your own faith in your decision making and doing so will allow you to truly evaluate the lover in your life and their value.


It’s like you’re on top of the world, Leo!

You’re in the right place at the right time – your life plan seems to be right on track and you couldn’t ask for anything better.

You sail in, do great work, meet friends for lunch, go out in the evening and even have time to sneak in some book reading time before you tuck in. Your new found routine and work life seem to work in great balance for you and at this time, you won’t think of wanting anything to change.

This reading seems to indicate that the leos this month will feel a great sense of satisfaction as their birth month seems to energize their sectors and bring them great luck.

What to Watch Out For

It’s possible that your father or a father figure might influence you or try to talk you out of your new found relationship status – and possibly at your mother’s orders.

What you really need to understand here is that it’s possible everyone is just looking out for you (especially if you sprung the wedding announcement on them out of the blue!) and so don’t allow negative feelings to rob you of all that love you’ve been sent this month.

Put yourself in their shoes, then step back into your own – think about the transformation and make your choices in the most informed way possible.

Good Luck!

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Message from the Author

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for coming back every month to access your sign's Tarotscope. I do hope these are able to guide you in whatever way and are applicable to your situation (or of someone you know who shares the same sign!)

Because these readings are made for the sign in general, it is not always possible to be accurate with respect to each person who falls under a Sun Sign.

If you don't know about your rising sign - use the calculator below - and it'll tell you which other Sign's reading you should be accessing (in addition to your sunsign) to get a more accurate gist of the month ahead.

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Thanks for visiting Tarotscopes and I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great month!