Wow! What a card to have show up as your card of the year, because The Emperor is in fact the card of 2011! Are we to believe this is a very good year for Aries then?
This card signifies confidence, surety and structure. The Emperor is a well balanced individual who is very strong headed and conducts business by his own values and ideals. This is the year where things under your guidance will bear fruit and all those decisions you make (which you do well and so effortlessly Aries) will seem to be a perfect fit with your actions.
Maybe it’s time for you to emerge winner in a battle of some kind. The card represents courage and responsibility – it is time for you step up to the plate and fulfill your duties. Perhaps, this card might also warn you about the climb (or recent promotion) of an authority figure who will be very bossy, high maintenance and expect things to occur within conduct. Be sure to watch your way around the Emperor, because things have to move, move, move under his rule!
Lovewise, you are looking at resolving an inner conflict of some kind. Maybe this is the year you need to make that big decision you have been putting off for a while. Yes, it’s time to make a choice. The Two of Swords signifies being spoilt for choice: two suitors might appear to hold as very strong candidates and feeling extremely pressured to choose. Remember, don’t rush it. Take your time and decide.
Careerwise, you reach your place of emotional fulfillment. Opportunities may come pouring in, maybe there is that promotion or that high-profile client that you get signed onto, and this makes you feel like you’re finally getting somewhere? Don’t stress, it’s going to happen.
Watch out for criticism and negative energy . The people around you might not be very accepiting of the fact that you (the Emperor) have achieved something – and especially since you are going to be burdened with opportunity (luck you!) – not everyone is going to enjoy you being in the limelight. There may be an opportunity to travel or relocate – or an opportunity for you to take a sabbatical. Make a decision based on how you feel. Some of you might be too busy fulfilling your new duties, others might be overwhelmed. Play it by year. Just be aware about this.
Wow! What a card to have show up as your card of the year, because The Emperor is in fact the card of 2011! Are we to believe this is a very good year for Aries then?

Maybe it’s time for you to emerge winner in a battle of some kind. The card represents courage and responsibility – it is time for you step up to the plate and fulfill your duties. Perhaps, this card might also warn you about the climb (or recent promotion) of an authority figure who will be very bossy, high maintenance and expect things to occur within conduct. Be sure to watch your way around the Emperor, because things have to move, move, move under his rule!
Lovewise, you are looking at resolving an inner conflict of some kind. Maybe this is the year you need to make that big decision you have been putting off for a while. Yes, it’s time to make a choice. The Two of Swords signifies being spoilt for choice: two suitors might appear to hold as very strong candidates and feeling extremely pressured to choose. Remember, don’t rush it. Take your time and decide.
Careerwise, you reach your place of emotional fulfillment. Opportunities may come pouring in, maybe there is that promotion or that high-profile client that you get signed onto, and this makes you feel like you’re finally getting somewhere? Don’t stress, it’s going to happen.
Watch out for criticism and negative energy . The people around you might not be very accepiting of the fact that you (the Emperor) have achieved something – and especially since you are going to be burdened with opportunity (luck you!) – not everyone is going to enjoy you being in the limelight. There may be an opportunity to travel or relocate – or an opportunity for you to take a sabbatical. Make a decision based on how you feel. Some of you might be too busy fulfilling your new duties, others might be overwhelmed. Play it by year. Just be aware about this.
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