My, oh my! Capricorns have a lot of new found wisdom that they will put to use this year.
The High Priestess appears in a spread at a time of learning, indicating the exchange (give or take) of knowledge. It is possible that you are planning to pursue higher education during this year – the time is perfect to undertake such opportunities. You might even consider undertaking Yoga or meditation to incorporate into your routine. You’re yearning to undertake anything new that’ll brighten up your mundane routine!The High Priestess brings to you a lot of insight and might bring out the urge in you to pursue something to do with spirituality. For some this may mean taking some time off from work to pursue a much loved activity or hobby. This is a year for you to develop your talents. So if you feel the itch, go for it !

Careerwise, you have success in whatever you choose to pursue. The key is perseverance. Try and try until you succeed. Don’t give up on that talent of yours – not even if the world depended on it. Follow your heart – you won’t regret it.
Watch out for this sudden overwhelming feeling, likely to strike you at random and you won’t know what or where it came from! In all this anticipation about what to do and who to do and how to do – you are bound to get into a place where you really discover who you want yourself to be. The High Priestess will help you learn through your own experiences. So don’t fret – go after whatever you want – you’ll find a way to make it work!
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