Monday, September 12, 2011

Libra | September 2011


This month, dear Libra may bring with it a push to get things into gear - that you have been putting off for a while.

With it being just the month before your birthday, there is a feeling of looking back at things that need finishing up and leaving those that serve no purpose behind. The month brings with it a feeling of closure and is indicative of you having found better direction (or an opportunity that gives you the sign that you have been waiting for).

Because your annual cycle ends in September, this card indicates that you will have a better (if not clearer) idea of how to move ahead and this requires you to be more prudent in your actions. You have been spending some time weighing your options and now you will feel ready to act upon them.

Additionally, there may be a sort of pressure to wrap up unfinished business and finally move onto that next job or new interest.


There’s a possibility of a new relationship dear Libra this month – which brings you a sense of joy and rejuvenation.

You feel that a weight being lifted off as a certain someone brings you a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.

You might be recognized for your work or will establish a rapport with a new peer who appreciates and encourages your beliefs and structures. This helps you feel renewed and more confident - and gives you new insight into your approach.

If you have been waiting for a sign from someone to make that next move, this September you will be sure to see it.


While work seems to be going strong, you are beginning to look for avenues to enhance your income sources this September.

You begin to explore new resources and are opening up to more learning (or teaching) avenues. This card reflects furtherment and learning of trades – possibly indulging in peer-review activities and artistry.

Your skills are highlighted this September and is possible that you are now very much in demand due to the skillset you have developed.

While hard work continues to be a focus, you are likely to be more restrained in your expenditure and are holding out to spend your earnings wisely instead of splurging unnecessarily.

What to watch out for

Since this is a month for pruning and moving onto a new phase – the tarot message is that you should distance yourself from negative influences and individuals who do not offer any positivity to your system.

Allow yourself to know where to draw the line and make sure to follow your instincts – indulge in any new activities only after you have complete information.

Good Luck!

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Message from the Author

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for coming back every month to access your sign's Tarotscope. I do hope these are able to guide you in whatever way and are applicable to your situation (or of someone you know who shares the same sign!)

Because these readings are made for the sign in general, it is not always possible to be accurate with respect to each person who falls under a Sun Sign.

If you don't know about your rising sign - use the calculator below - and it'll tell you which other Sign's reading you should be accessing (in addition to your sunsign) to get a more accurate gist of the month ahead.

I would like to encourage you to share your feedback to let me know if any reading has worked for you. Feel free to write to me personally (my email is on the contact page) or leave a comment below your reading.

If you would like a quick review of your situation, I'm currently offering a two question reading offer that you can ask about when you write to me as well!

Thanks for visiting Tarotscopes and I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great month!